Fundraising can be done through lots of activities so we have put together an A-Z of ideas which may inspire you! Remember we can support you with your event through providing materials and with your planning, so please get in touch if there is anything we can help with –
Afternoon tea – oh, don’t mind if I do! Hold an elegant afternoon tea with friends or family
Arm wrestling contest – who has the strength? Who will be crowned the arm wrestling champion
Bingo – who will be the first to call House! at a bingo night?
Book sale – raise money through your community selling unwanted books
Car wash – help shine up local cars in a community car wash event
Cocktail night or Coffee morning – a chance to get everyone together
Darts competition – channel your inner Luke Littler, take aim to see who lands the bullseye
Drawing contest – challenge friends and family to show off their drawing skills
Egg painting contest – get creative to see who can paint the best egg – good Easter activity
Eurovision party – who doesn’t love Eurovision - everyone can choose country to represent
Fancy dress day – hold a fancy dress day at school or work for a donation
Football tournament – get local clubs involved and raise some money through every goal scored
Games night – get competitive in a board games or video games night
Give something up – get sponsored giving up something you love
Head shave – an oldie, but a goodie!!
Hour of earnings – ask your colleagues to donate an hour of their pay
Improv night – let your community flex their skills at an improv night
It's a Knockout – have some fun with an It's a Knockout event
Jigsaw puzzle marathon – who can complete the most puzzles in the fastest time
Joke-a-thon – crack out your best jokes to exchange laughs for donations
Karaoke – warm up those vocal chords and choose your favourite to belt out
Knit-a-thon – use your knitting skills to create some items to sell
Las Vegas night – enjoy a glitzy Vegas casino themed evening
Loose change collection – ask people to donate any loose change they have
Mobile free day – challenge everyone to go without phones for a full day
Music concert – hold a local music event or battle of the bands for the community
Name the … contest – challenge people to name the song, movie, book or character
Netball tournament – take to the court for charity netball matches
Obstacle course – set up an obstacle course and see who can complete it the fastest
Onion chopping challenge – who can go the longest without shedding tears?
Plank / press up challenge – see who has the strength to hold out the longest
Plant sale – sell the plants you have been growing, or get a garden centre involved
Quiet hour – challenge people to stay quiet, donate for every noise – will you hear a pin drop?
Quintissentially British picnic – Don’t be a few sandwiches short for your picnic!
Roaring 20’s party – host a decadent 20’s theme party for your friends
Random acts of kindness – do something kind for a donation towards neurological research
Sports day – get nostalgic with a school sports day themed event
Superhero party – dress up as your favourite or who you consider to be a superhero
Talent contest – give everyone the chance to show off their best talents
Teddy bear picnic – host a teddy bear picnic for families to enjoy
Uniform free day – skip the uniform for a day in return for a small donation
Upcycling – transform old items into something new that you can then sell
Variety show – hold a local variety show and enjoy an evening of entertainment
Village fete – organise a village fete to help raise money
Wedding gifts – instead of gifts, you can ask for donations to charity
Window cleaning – offer to clean neighbourhood windows for a donation
X, Y, Z
X Factor competition – host your own X Factor style singing contest
Yo-Yo contest – crack out your best yo-yo skills in a competition
Zip wire – soar through the sky as you take on a zip wire challenge